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Increasing Your Daily Steps

When it comes to goals, one of the most commonly seen is “I will increase my daily step count”. We look at the benefits of this and ask, what is the magic number of steps?


Training in Hot Weather


Training in Hot Weather

Do you avoid training in the heat or are you setting your sights on an event in a hot climate that you know will challenge you? FFA’s latest blog looks at top tips to keep you safe whilst training and how to prepare.


Top 6 Tips for Fueling your Running


Top 6 Tips for Fueling your Running

No matter what your particular diet, high-carb, low-carb, clean eating, Paleo, vegan - your goal is to fuel your body to optimize your training and racing. Check out our top 6 tips for success.


Calisthenics for Beginners


Calisthenics for Beginners

Despite what you may have been lead to believe, you do NOT need a gym membership or expensive equipment to build the muscle definition that you’ve always wanted. Find out how calisthenics is leading the way in body-weight training.



How Does Exercise Affect Your Heart?

The heart is amazing! Your heart does more work than any other muscle. And the race isn't even close. Your heart works continuously over your entire life time without ever stopping to keep blood circulating. How then does exercise affect the heart?


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10 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere (No Equipment Needed)

This set of exercises are convenient and great when you don’t have much time to exercise. 
Get in tune with your body and do these 10 bodyweight exercises which can assist in reaching your training goals. It doesn’t have to be complicated but you will need to be dedicated and exercise regularly as consistency will shape your body and increase your metabolic rate.  

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Sources of Inspiration

When it comes to boosting your fitness you have to be motivated. You have to have a solid reason to put the time and effort into your health and fitness regime, and you need to be organised. These alone are not always enough. I firmly believe that in order to reach your goals you need to be inspired! Following this theme, I thought I’d share some of the people who inspire me.



Thinking of Giving Exercise a Summer Break?

It may be tempting over the summer to dial back on your training, to enjoy the better weather with your friends and family, and generally cut loose. Before deciding to take the whole summer off however it would be wise to consider what happens to your body when you give yourself an exercise summer break.



3 Most Common Running-Related Injury Issues

It’s only to be expected that when you run regularly, that you are going to end up with some strains, pulls or even more complex body injuries and conditions. The first step to avoid these, particularly the most commonly seen problems is to recognise them, know how to avoid them and recover should they occur.
