Hello Everyone

Time has flown by. Milder weather is on the horizon and soon it will be spring. For plenty of us winter was filled with events such as the increasingly popular 5km park run, Santa dash 5k, The Chiltern Cross Country League, Tough Guy obstacle course, Hillingdon Half Marathon, active ski, dive, cycle and/or golf holidays and other activities. Great stuff by all of you who took part in any activity and kept really active over the festive season in particular. More about the Tough Guy event in this newsletter.

Some of you got ill during January a bit as there were some nasty viruses around but most of us made a great fitness start in 2017.

Training performances have been great so far, keep it going to reach your goals! We potentially have a superb year ahead where personal bests are going to be smashed, weight loss and other fitness goals are going to be achieved.

The Benefits of Working Out with Other People
When you see people working out in magazines or on Instagram you quite often see people training alone, earphones in, eyes ahead, their face full of determination. Working alone has many benefits (certainly more than no working out at all) however working with a fitness buddy...(read more)

5 Reasons Why You Should Add Running into Your Workout Plan
There are many different types of exercises, sports and workouts available for you to use in order to meet your health and fitness goals. Here we offer five (although there are more!) reasons why you should consider adding running into your workout plan....(read more)

During March many of you will take part in various events such as The Nuts Challenge o.c.r. Event, The Suffering O.C.R Event and The Reading Half Marathon. I am sure we will highlight some of these events in next months newsletter. Please let us know if you have completed a great event you wish to share with us. Send us your event pictures and share your experience which can motivate and inspire others.

Keep it going, you are all doing great!

Be(come) Fit For Anything

