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Nowadays we have access to such a wide range of foods that overall people tend to eat fewer foods that are fermented. Fermented foods are those which have been pickled and similar to preserve them and with most households having a refrigerator and freezer there isn’t as much of a demand for this type of food anymore.

The decline in the consumption in fermented foods might be something that needs to be addressed as doctors and healthcare professionals are now finding evidence to suggest that there is a link between a person’s health and whether or not (and how much) fermented food they eat.

How is Food Fermented

Fermentation is a preservation process and one that is significantly healthier than some forms of food production preservation adopted today. Bacteria is used to make a food last longer thanks to the microorganisms involved in the process. One example, other than might be the use of certain types of healthy bacteria in foods such as yogurt which increases its shelf life. The exact fermentation process depends on the food.

What Are the Reported Health Benefits of Consuming Fermented Foods

When as a nation we are trying to eat healthier and avoid artificial foods the idea of using bacteria to produce and preserve food may sound a bad idea however is actually very healthy.

1.Eating Fermented Foods Increases Gut Health Levels

Many of you will have seen adverts or read about good bacteria and bad bacteria. This concept is not merely a marketing strategy as good bacteria works to balance and counteract any bad bacteria in the system. Increased good bacteria results is better gut health levels.

2.Fermented Foods May Help You Lose Weight

Adding fermented foods into your everyday diet will again contribute to better intestinal health, balanced bacteria levels and quite possibly according to researchers, help with weight loss.

3.A More Effective Immune System

A positive side effect that comes from eating fermented foods is an increased level of immune system functions. Few realise this however the health of your immune system is directly related to how well your bacteria levels are balanced and the health levels of your intestines. This may well explain why on average people who are overweight tend to suffer more for some ailments / are susceptible to more viruses than others who perhaps do enjoy a healthier BMI.

4. They Taste Great!

Fermented foods are often full of flavour and a variety of foods alongside a tasty diet is important as it helps keep you motivated. It stands to reason that if you enjoy the healthier foods you are eating.

Increasing Your Fermented Foods Intake

You might actually find that you are already eating a range of fermented foods without realising it. Some common examples of these might include fish and soy sauce, yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles and more, all of which could and should be added to the diet to boost intestinal health.

*Top tip: While some foods might be made using the fermentation process the resulting “goodness” may be stripped away if food is stored in a brine solution for example. Be shopping smart to find easy ways to increase the number of fermented foods in your diet in order to enjoy better health and a number of associated benefits.

As a personal trainer I work with clients to produce a whole body health and fitness regime, including diet and so if you are based in or around Chorleywood get in touch to find out more about how I can help you reach your goals. (Roel Jansen) atFit For Anythingon07786652095
