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Fermented Foods and Your Health

Nowadays we have access to such a wide range of foods that overall people tend to eat fewer foods that are fermented. Fermented foods are those which have been pickled and similar to preserve them and with most households having a refrigerator and freezer there isn’t as much of a demand for this type of food anymore.



The benefits of using coconut oil that you ought to know about…

For too many years, people were told to stay away from all types of dietary fat, because it was believed that eating fat made you fat and sick. Thankfully in the last few years, this idea has been debunked and science has proven that eating healthy fats on a regular basis is essential to your health.  The key is to make sure that you’re eating the right types of fat, and (surprisingly to some) coconut oil is one of the best sources of dietary fat. 



Should You Eliminate Meat From Your Diet?

Nutritionists, health and fitness experts and many more interested parties have long-since debated whether cutting down or eliminating meat from our diets is the best choice for our short and long term health. As it turns out there are pros and cons to both plant-based diets and meat ones. One of the main problems with the modern diet is the reliance on too many refined carbs, processed foods, artificial ingredients and a lack of adequate fruit and vegetable portions.
