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Blood Oxygen Levels and Exercise

When you are committed to becoming fitter and healthier you need to educate yourself on several things, for example, your diet, best ways to exercise, how to avoid injury and top tips for recovery. Not the first thing to come to mind, being aware of your blood oxygen levels during exercise is also extremely important.


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Training for a Marathon Part 2: Fuelling Your Body

It is all very well having the perfect training plan, but what you eat before, during, and after you run can make or break your training. Eat too little and you’ll run out of energy to finish. Too much and you’ll find yourself running to the bathroom. Mid-run fuel—from sports drinks, gels, gummy bears, etc.—helps you sustain energy to finish the effort.

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Training for a Marathon: How to Prepare for Success

So you want to run a marathon? Completing 26.2 miles is an awe-inspiring accomplishment that requires commitment and dedication. But it is not a walk in the park! You need a base of a minimum of three to six months’ worth of running four times per week. (It’s even better if you’ve been running for a year or more.) You should be able to comfortably complete a run of six miles. And you should have run at the very minimum a few 5K races.



Do We Need Rest Days?

When putting together a programme of training for an individual, rest days are often included. Have you ever wondered why they are important?



Short and Snappy Workouts

High-Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT to its friends) can help you achieve a great number of goals and thanks to research we now know that for many, short bursts of training such as HIIT can be the very best thing for long-term and short-term goals.



Walk at Work

You are trying to boost your steps, looking to increase your everyday activity and are looking to combat the effects of sitting (read more on this here) however you might feel this is impossible when at work. It isn’t.




Some people are natural “spur of the moment” people. They get an idea and they run with it. This is a great trait in many ways as I tend to think that these kind of people are naturally geared towards being easier to motivate. That said, spur of the moment alone rarely works when it comes to fitness as planning your workouts is much more likely to help you succeed and here is why:



Top Tips for Injury Prevention

When you’re working out, taking part in sport or running injuries are commonplace. Few athletes can say they’ve never had an injury however by following these top tips you can reduce the likelihood of common injuries which slow your progress or mean you having to sit training out for a time.



Identifying Muscle Imbalances

Your body will naturally strive to compensate when muscle imbalance is present. While this is a positive feature of the body, the natural inclination to even things out will not necessarily remove all traces of damage.



Staying Lean Without Compromising Strength Gain

When it comes to obtaining that ripped look that many crave, the inevitable downside is that in becoming lean and ripped, you often loose strength and your energy levels flag somewhat. While some accept this as being “just the way things go” I’m here to tell you otherwise. Strength loss isn’t inevitable if you follow these five top tips. 



Rotator Cuff Injuries

A rotator cuff injury is the most common sort of shoulder injury. We explore what these are, how they occur and what can be done about them.



The SMART Guide to Goal Setting

When it comes to setting health and fitness goals you’ll no doubt have come across the term “SMART goals”. The SMART system is one which allows you to set goals in such a way as to make sure they get done! Goal setting is not only essential for planning, it is key for motivation and ultimately success.



Why Stretch Post Workout?

Warming up / pre-workout stretching is standard procedure and a “must” for the majority. It’s easy to see why stretching before working out rather than going in “cold” is a good thing however the benefits to post-workout stretching often gets overlooked.



Effective Running

Log onto your favourite social media channel at pretty much any time of the day and someone will be “off for a run”. Cue lots of likes because getting moving and staying motivated isn’t always easy, and those who do run know that. As a trainer and someone who runs himself I hope that all of these making the effort to get out and run are running effectively.
