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When you’re working out, taking part in sport or running injuries are commonplace. Few athletes can say they’ve never had an injury however by following these top tips you can reduce the likelihood of common injuries which slow your progress or mean you having to sit training out for a time.

Know Your Limits
You have goals and that’s great but be aware that you are on a journey, not taking part in a sprint to the end. Increase your workout intensity, distances and weights gradually over the week and don’t be too aggressive. It’s important that you recognise your limits and plan accordingly.

Listen to Your Body
 Sometime an injury seems to come out of nowhere however if you listen to your body and what it’s telling you, you could head injuries off before they go from a niggle to a full-blown injury. If you need to slow down, take a step back, walk it off or change what you’re doing for a time, do it. You might feel that doing so will slow your progress however developing an injury certainly will do and is likely to take longer to come back from.

Check Your Form
When you learn to drive you are very pedantic and deliberate when it comes to manoeuvres, looking in mirrors, looking over your shoulder etc. When you start working out you are the same with your posture, the way you use equipment and are more measured in your movements. Over time people can become sloppy, its natural! Have your personal trainer or gym mate check you from time to time and correct your movement and form before muscle damage kicks in.

Remember RICE
RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
RICE is a method that should be employed as an immediate treatment and can be highly effective not just at dealing with pain but reducing swelling, aiding recovery, protecting tissue and more.  It is important not to forget the Rest and Elevation parts to RICE as those who do (impatient to get on) find their recovery time increases as a result.

Stretch it Out
Warming up is the first you are taught to do back in school gym classes and yet when it comes to workouts some people do get complacent, not warming up effectively and fully. Stretching the back of your legs out is good but if your session is likely to focus more on upper body you might need to rethink your stretching priorities. Taking time to stretch out properly can reduce your risk of injury.

Proper Footwear
Incredibly important when it comes to runners especially, having a decent pair of trainers can make all the difference. You can still find a decent pair that’s reasonably priced so don’t need to break the bank. Worn in comfortable trainers are one thing but remember that trainers do need to be replaced periodically to ensure you receive the proper support.

Rest and Recovery
Don’t under-estimate the necessity of rest days and similar. Your body needs time to recover and not allowing it to do so can aggravate or cause an injury. Studies show that scheduling rest periods into your routine can actually benefit your success long term.


Nothing can guarantee 100% that you’ll never receive an injury during sport, when running or working out however follow these tips and you’ll spend less time waiting out a bad injury and more time doing what you love, working out!

